Our Wide range of Products let’s you choose your plan at a price that you’ll love.

Let’s get started!

Primary Data Plans


Dynamic 75

  • 75 GB Anytime Data
  • Valid for 14 days

Dynamic 250

  • 150 GB Anytime Data
  • 100 GB Streaming Data
  • Valid for 28 days

Dynamic 500

  • 350 GB Anytime Data
  • 150 GB Streaming Data
  • 100 GB DTV Streaming Data
  • Valid for 28 days

Dynamic 700

  • 500 GB Anytime Data
  • 200 GB Streaming Data
  • 100 GB DTV Streaming Data
  • Valid for 28 days

Dynamic 1024

  • 800 GB Anytime Data
  • 224 GB Anytime Data
  • 100 GB DTV Streaming Data
  • Valid for 28 days

Secondary Plans



  • 50 GB Anytime Data
  • Valid for 28 days


  • 50 GB Anytime Data
  • Valid for 28 days

Social pass

  • 20 GB Anytime Data
  • Valid for 28 days


How much data am I allocated?
Please refer to the prices above.

Does the data rollover?
No, the data does not rollover and data will expire in 28days.

Where can I make payments?
Any Digicel Outlet, Online Banking, Reseller Outlets, Selfcare Portal, USSD, My Cash

Can I still top up if I run out of Anytime data?
Yes, you can.

Do I need the My Digicel App?
Yes you do, the my Digicel App gives you control of your account so you can track your usage, change your plan according to your finances and check your data balance on the daily.
No more ringing in or visiting a store, you now have full control of your usage.

How do I check my data balance?
Option 2 – Texting/SMS
You can check your data balance by texting your Unwired Modem Number: ____________ to 7202020. Texting from a Digicel mobile is free of charge.
Option 3 – Unwired Self-care Portal
Visit the My Unwired Self-care at www.myunwired.com.fj
Enter the URL provided on the modem into your web browser e.g.
Option 4 – Log onto modem and send SMS
Blade Modem:
Connect to your BLADE modem
Enter the URL provided on your modem e.g. into your web browser
Login to the modem
Username: admin
Password: admin
Click on SMS Mail icon on the top right
In Phone Number enter “130”
In Content enter “balance”
Click Send to receive the data balance message.
Pocket Mifi Modem:
Connect to your Pocket MIFI modem
Enter into your web browser
Login to the modem
Username: admin
Password: admin
Click Confirm
Click SMS on the top tab
Click New Message
In the Recipient field enter “130”
Click Send to receive the data balance message.

I’m interested! What’s next?
Visit your nearest Digicel store, there a representative will be able to help you set up your account, download the app and give you a quick tutorial.

I’ve visited a store, but I’ve forgotten the steps.
Don’t worry, just follow the below steps;
First download the My Digicel App
Enter your Unwired Number & your password
Instantly you will be logged into the app, here you can manage your account, manage your plans in the tab section and track your usage
If you have two accounts linked on your MDA you can switch between the two to manage both your mobile and broadband data by clicking on ‘switch accounts’

If interested to join Unwired, Please contact Digicel Customer Care or visit any nearest Digicel Store


Office 350

  • 350 GB Anytime Data
$5300Monthly Plan

Office 700

  • 700 GB Anytime Data
$7400Monthly Plan

Office 1000

  • 1000 GB Anytime Data
$10600Monthly Plan


This price plans are only for commercial customers and requires companies TIN letter.

What is the total cost of Post Pay Unwired Signup?
Device with first month subscription is $299. However, contact Digicel Sales team for promotions

Is this a lock in contract terms?
Yes, for minimum of 12 months, however, if you willing to terminate the account before contract expiry, you have to clear all outstanding, fill in the closure form and notify Digicel before next bill date (1st of Each Month).

What happens if I fail to notify Digicel and not using the service, will I be billed?
Yes, the billing will continue and due the account maintenance and management cost, you have to clear the outstanding due to the failure from your end

How will I get the invoices to pay
All invoices will be sent electronically via billing System to the email provided during sign up

What should I do if I do not receive the bill?
Immediately contact Digicel customer care or account manager to rectify the issue for future reference

By when should I pay my bill?
All pending bills to be paid by 10th of same month to void automatic account barring on 15th of same month

How much data am I allocated?
Please refer to the price plan package

Does the data rollover?
No, data rollover is not applicable to this plan

What happens if I exhaust my Data?
There is top up options available which will be billed in next invoice

Where can I make payments and how long does it takes payment to update in the account? Selected Bill Pay methods as below:

  • Digicel Self-Care Portal: Immediate
  • Dealer Payment: 10mins
  • Retail Payment: 10 mins
  • My Cash/USSD: 20mins
  • Online Banking : 5 Days
  • SMS Banking : 5 Days
  • Third Party : 3 Days (Carpenters/ Post Fiji)

Can I make a payment at a third party outlet?
Yes, you can but customers are strongly recommended to make payment at our Retail outlets or via My Cash/USSD.

Can I pay in advance to my Post Pay Account?
Yes, any amount of payment can be done

Can a Triple Play or All In Home customers can apply for Post Pay Plans?
No, it is just an Unwired Only Plan whereby Sky is not covered in this package

Where will I get the full information
For more information, contact Digicel Sales team or Customer Care team

Is there a deposit held to this plans and is it refundable?
Yes, $150 per account which will only be refundable if modem is returned in working condition with full set as it was given and full monthly bill is cleared


All In Home

  • 26 channels
  • 1000GB Anytime Data
  • 30GB Mobile Data + Unlimited Calls & SMS
  • 30 Days
Internet + DTV

Dynamic DTV 750 GB

  • 500GB Anytime Data
  • 250GB DTV Streaming Data
  • DTV Premium Plan (30 Days)


Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Where can I sign up to this plan?

Visit any Digicel outlet or contact Digicel customer care team to direct you to sales agent


  1. Is it mandatory to pay for the sign-up cost?

Yes, it is mandatory


  1. Can I cover the initial cost with the rebate amount when changing plan?

No, initial payment is mandatory, however rebate will be applied later during the change


  1. I am a New All In Home customer and I understand that Sky installation will take time but I want to use data. What can I do?

There will 50GB complimentary data that will be provided with 24 hours. If this is exhausted than you have to wait for the installation to get the full data


  1. When does the GSM data load in new signup to All In Home Plan?

Loaded instantly and renews every 30 days with 30GB data upon renewal of the All In Home package.


  1. Does my billing cycle change if I move over to the new plan?

Yes, your billing cycle will change. For new customers Billing cycle is from the Date Sky Pacific is activated


  1. I am an existing Triple Play/Sky/Unwired customer; can I switch to this $105.00 plan?

Yes, you can and you will be rebated for the days lost.


  1. Can I top-up my account if I exhaust my data bundle?

Yes, but the top up bundle will expire together with your primary bundle due date.


  1. Where can I make payments?

At any Digicel Outlet, My Cash, USSD or online.


  1. Can I make a payment at a third-party outlet?

Yes, you can, however, account will be only activated once Finance will verify and apply the payment. This might take 3-5 working days.


If I make payment at Third party and call customer care to activate the account, will it be activated?

No, Digicel customer care team is not authorized to apply payment and activate accounts. Only Finance team is and they are available for 8a.m to 5p.m Monday to Friday and off on weekend and public holidays


How do I change my WIFI Details?

We recommend that you change your WIFI password from time to time. This is to prevent unauthorized users from accessing your account and any loss of data.

You will be able to change your WIFI password by also logging into the modem just like you check your data.


What happens if my data finishes?

Should you exhaust your Unwired Data you will be require to do either of the following;

  1. a) Top up your account via a Retail Store or wait for next roll over of your TV account


How do I check my data balance?


Option 1 – Texting/SMS You can check your data balance by texting your Unwired Modem Number: to 7202020. The Modem Number can be located on the invoice Texting from a Digicel mobile is free of charge.


Option 2 – Log onto modem and send SMS

Blade Modem:

  1. Connect to your BLADE modem
  2. Enter into your web browser
  3. Login to the modem a. Username: admin b. Password: admin
  4. Click on SMS Mail icon on the top right 5. In Phone Number enter “130”
  5. In Content enter “balance” 7. Click Send to receive the data balance message.


Pocket Mifi Modem:

  1. Connect to your Pocket MIFI modem
  2. Enter into your web browser
  3. Login to the modem a. Username: admin b. Password: admin
  4. Click Confirm
  5. Click SMS on the top tab
  6. Click New Message
  7. In the Recipient field enter “130”
  8. Click Send to receive the data balance message.

Our Data Plans Include All the Bells and Whistles


No Peak or Off Peak Limits

for our Dynamic and bundled Prepaid Plans

Perfect for Streaming

All our plans offer your the best network quality for the best streaming experience

Great Value

All out plans try and provide you the best value for you, more for less

Flexible Contract Options

All our plans offer you flexible options to provide you the best experience possible
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